Our Story
Welcome to Carrie Elspeth! My brand began from my own avid passion for making and wearing handmade beaded jewellery. I hope you love our story and all the wonderful jewellery we make.

Hi, I'm Carrie
I'm the Creative Director and founder of Carrie Elspeth Jewellery. (My middle name is Elspeth - just in case you were wondering). After completing a degree in Art History, then spending a year travelling around parts of Asia, Australia and New Zealand I couldn’t wait to get home and start my own business.
I first started selling jewellery in 1999 from a single room studio in rural South Wales. My passion was making colourful jewellery, that would hopefully make people smile either by wearing it themselves or through receiving my pieces as a gift.
Handmade in Wales
Since 1999 all my jewellery has been designed by me, and handmade in Wales by my team of highly skilled outworkers. Over the last 25 years I have sold to gift shops, museums, boutiques and other specialist retailers in the UK and beyond

I have won numerous awards over the years including Welsh Woman of the Year, Young Entrepreneur of the year at a global business award ceremony held in Bulgaria and was even invited to meet the Queen in 2004 to celebrate British Design. Within the gift industry my products have won ‘Gift of the Year’ several times. Most recently I won Creative Business of the year at the Vale Business Awards in South Wales.
Its been a privilege to share my passion of colourful jewellery, inspired by the culture and beauty of Wales, with the world, and I look forward to continuing this passion for many years to come.